At the Global Technology Center – Silicon Valley Office Grand Opening

On March 17th, 2023, Alpha G Silicon Valley Office officially opened in San Jose, San Francisco bay area! This is another influential office of the company following the establishment of the New York office in February, the financial center in the U.S., and it is also another significant strategic deployment of the company. 

Tiffany Xu, the founder of the company,  personally led elite teams from headquarters and all over the world to attend the opening ceremony in Silicon Valley. At the ceremony, she cut the ribbon to celebrate the opening of the Silicon Valley office together with local political and business leaders, representatives from top financial and insurance companies, and global elite leaders. The grand celebration dinner was held on the same night. More than 1,000 guest and celebrities from all over the world participated at the dinner party. 

Members from Alpha G and political and business representatives cut the ribbon together to celebrate the opening of Silicon Valley Office
Representative James Wang issued the certificate of honor on behalf of California Congressman Even Low
Cupertino Mayor Hung Wei Giving Speech
Cupertino Mayor Hung Wei, Vice Mayor Shelia Mohan, City Manager Pamela Wu, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Rick Kitson and Senior Director Manuel Valerio issued certificate of honor

At 10:30AM in the morning, the official opening of the Silicon Valley Office was announced. Tiffany Xu mentioned that the opening of the Silicon Valley office is an important milestone for Alpha G to expand its business on a global scale, making its commitment to global marketization.

As a world-leading technology and innovation center, Silicon Valley’s strategic position is particularly critical. Despite that the excellent location gathers a lot of high-tech talents and capable engineers’ attention, the focus around insurance and wealth management, corporate finance, trust and other fields have not been deepened. Thus, Alpha G has a broad market and a great stage to present themself in Silicon Valley, helping everyone fulfill their economic and financial needs due to economic difficulties, and conquer their challenges to meet the growing needs of their customers by providing them with advanced technological platform. It is no doubt that with the opening of the Silicon Valley office, Alpha G’s brand will be further enhanced throughout the Bay Area.

Representative James Wang on behalf of California Congressman Even Low, Cupertino Mayor Hung Wei, Vice Mayor Shelia Mohan, City Manager Ms. Pamela Wu, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Mr. Rick Kitson and Senior Director Mr. Manuel Valerio issued certificate of honor to the company.

Company Founder Tiffany Xu

In the past year, the number of members of Alpha G has tripled, its performance has increased by 2.5 times, its scale has also increased from 4 offices to 13 offices, and its servicing industries have also expanded to real estate, loans, education, asset management and other aspects. The company’s goal is to set up 100 offices in the United States in the next five years to serve local Chinese and both new and old immigrants. The company’s mission is to have more people realize their dreams and gain financial freedom through Alpha G platform.

We believes that entrepreneurs have three characteristics: ambition, enthusiasm for victory, and enjoyment of innovation. Alpha G represents innovation, sharing, and family. It is the home for entrepreneurs and the foundation for incubating a new generation of entrepreneurs. It is the best choice anyone who has a  entrepreneurship ambitions.

Alpha G’s establishment of the Silicon Valley office demonstrates the company’s determination to vigorously expand in the global technology center, and further consolidates the company’s goal of helping outstanding talents in the insurance industry in improving their service levels and provide better services for the Chinese community. At the same time, it has once again proved the unshakable position of Alpha G in the United States.

In addition, vice president of LSW Louis Puglisi, senior representative Brittany Russo,  senior representative of F&G Jason Vest, senior representative of Lincoln Financial Eric Patterson,  senior representative of Corebridge Jaz Pinero, senior representative of Symetra Rey Castro, and senior representative from other well-known financial companies, outstanding elites and local celebrities delivered warm speeches to congratulate Alpha G on the grand opening of its Silicon Valley office.

In the following activities, insurance company representatives and professional trainers from the company headquarters provided participants with extremely informative professional trainings, including aspects of insurance, annuity, taxation, trust, long-term planning, entrepreneurship, customer development, and education, etc. The trainings also includes in-depth interpretation and analysis under the current economic situations.

Large Number of Participants
LSW Senior Representative Louis Puglisi Giving Speech
LSW Senior Representative Brittany Russo Giving Speech
LSW Senior Representative David Wen Giving Speech
F&G Senior Representative Jason Vest Giving Speech
Lincoln Financial Senior Representative Eric Patterson Giving Speech
Corebridge Senior Representative Jaz Pinero Giving Speech

At the opening ceremony, George Yang delivered an impassioned speech. He mentioned that the US social security fund will run out in 15 years, whether it is raising the application age limit or increasing the amount of social security benefits currently collected , is not good news for us. Silicon Valley has so many high-tech talents. Alpha G came to Silicon Valley to help these people resolve their retirement income , family security, and wealth planning problems from a technological platform aspects. 

Brown Qiu, who came all the way from Shanghai, also delivered an excellent speech. He said that Alpha G’s entry into Silicon Valley means that the company has transformed from a pure technological company to an all-round institution that servicing finance + technology + innovation ideas. When the company come to Silicon Valley, it will bring rich resources to North California, and provide services in many fields for local Chinese and both new and old immigrants, helping everyone realize their dream of wealth and financial freedom. Brown also mentioned that the ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning broke the record. A total of 45 guests came to cut the ribbon, which fully demonstrated the core value of team cohesion of Alpha G company.

George Yang Giving Speech
Brown Qiu Giving Speech
Executive Director Linda Liu Giving Speech
Office Manager & Regional Director Alison Dong Giving Speech
Elite Leader Alice Guan Giving Speech
Group Photo of Elite Team
Elite Leader Sophie Song Giving Speech
Elite Leader Alice Giving Speech
New York Team Representative David Giving Speech
Florida Team Representative Ellen Giving Speech
Atlanta Team Representative Mr. Huang Giving Speech
Texas Representative & Elite Leader James Giving Speech
Arizona Team Representative Helen Giving Speech
Steven Giving Speech

In the evening, the opening celebration dinner of Alpha G’s Silicon Valley office was grandly held at Dynasty Restaurant in San Jose. Saratoga Mayor Yan Zhao, Milpitas Mayor Carmen Montano, Vice Mayor Evelyn Chua, Cupertino City Councilor Liangfang Zhao, Fremont City Councilor Yang Shao, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Rick Kitson, Santa Clara County Councilor Zhouxiao Li’s wife Sally Wu, and several vice presidents or executives of insurance and financial companies attended the dinner and delivered speeches. Guests from all around the world gathered together to congratulate Alpha G for successfully establishing an office in Silicon Valley. Company founder Tiffany Xu delivered another wonderful speech and held the lighting ceremony of the Silicon Valley office in person. The guests present under the stage also lighted up the flashlights from their mobile phones together. A sea of lights on and off the stage means that the achievements of Alpha G will be like a spark, which can start a prairie fire!

In the future, the Silicon Valley office will, together with other offices and the company headquarters, provide various services to local and global customers including servicing industries such as finance, asset management, loans, real estate, taxation, trust, education etc. Help everyone achieve career success while meeting customer needs! The company is vowed to provide the most systematic training and practical opportunities. Alpha G is firmly moving towards its goal of training elites into a new generation of entrepreneurs!

Company Founder Tiffany Xu Giving Speech During Dinner Party
Over a Thousands Guests Participated in the Event
Over a Thousands Guests Participated in the Event
LSW Vice President Louis Puglisi Congratulate on the Office Opening
LSW Senior Representative Brittany Russo Congratulate on the Office Opening
Corebridge Senior Representative Jaz Pinero Congratulate on the Office Opening
Saratoga Mayor Issued Certificate of Honor
Milpitas Mayor Carmen Montano, Vice Mayor Evelyn Chua Issued Certificate of Honor
Santa Clara County Councilor Zhouxiao Li's Wife Sally Wu Issued Certificate of Honor
Fremont City Councilor Yang Shao Giving Speech
Cupertino City Councilor Liangfang Zhao Giving Speech
Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Rick Kitson Giving Speech
George Yang Giving Speech
Brown Qiu Giving Speech
Stanford Admissions Officer Giving Speech
Group Photo
Well-known Host Peter and Chen Chen
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AlphaG is a technological  platform based on multi-industry service experience, providing technology development support and seminar, salon, as well as event planning services.

The company aims to provide partners with excellent event planning services, system development, and professional seminar services in order to assist elites from different backgrounds to become successful entrepreneurs and enhance their professional skills in better serving customers. The company’s mission is to cultivate a new generation of entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

Alpha G could service industries including financial industry, asset allocation industry, real estate industry, loan industry, taxation industry, trust, education, corporate finance, and IVF industry. With the help of advanced technology and systems, along with systematic professional trainings, the company aims to assist talents in the establishment of their own business empires.  

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